アキュメン・ファンド代表ジャクリーンさんと語る会を終えて… [本編2/7]
真理子:「アキュメン・ファンドのニューズレターにもAfter my last speech to a group of young people in Tokyo, a pint-sized 22-year old stood up and asked passionately, “You speak of the poor’s dignity! What about ours? What about mine?” She understood that our dignity depends on the dignity of the most vulnerable among us, and that all of us can achieve a deeper sense of meaning and purpose only by reaching out and using ourselves fully for the betterment of this world that we all share. And there is something for each of us to do, for each of us to contribute.と載っていたんだけど、これってあゆみちゃんのことじゃないかな?」